Dr. Irena Kay is a retired Physician, Holistic Healer, Author, Performance and Relationship Coach.
Her credentials include a medical doctorate specializing in Obstetrics and Gynecology. After retiring from her medical practice she became a certified Martial Arts Instructor and later a Reiki Master Teacher to be able to continue her healing work.
Dr. Irena has helped thousands of women with their most intimate issues; she has served hundreds of patients promote their own healing and well-being with Reiki and is now empowering women to find a life of purpose and abundance through her one-on-one and group coaching sessions. She is a certified Law of Attraction coach of the Quantum Success Academy, a coaching institution accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF), and a certified Clear Beliefs therapeutic coach, as well as a Positive Intelligence/ Mental Fitness coach. In addition she holds a certification as a marriage facilitator and has created her own NeuroYouth™ technique to get results fast.
She empowers people to realize their fullest potential to become successful in business and life.
After years of struggling to balance work, raising five children and keeping her marriage together she finally found the way to lasting happiness. She is passionate to share her insights and tools with the many people who struggle as she did. She will show clients how to tap into their inner strength and wisdom to become abundant in all aspects of their life by working with mind- as well as brain-based techniques.
A life full of joy and fulfillment can be yours!
More about MY STORY here!
a COMPLIMENTARY Coaching Discovery and Strategy Session with Dr. Irena

Medical Staff University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland, Dept. of Obstetrics, 1994


Amanda B. (Alberta, Canada)
“Her skills as a coach are incredible! “
I am writing this letter to share my incredible coaching experience I have received with Irena. I have been working with her for several months and have had a lot of success in my life and business. I feel empowered to make the changes in my life and to value myself. I have been recovering from a horrible disease and Irena has helped shine the light on issues in myself that I had not seen. Working with Irena has been a pleasure and I look forward to our call each week. Her skills as a coach are incredible! She is kind, gentle in her coaching techniques and very loving. Her warmth makes the discoveries of change less scary and I am grateful for that.
Thank You Irena for your love and beautiful guidance along my journey!

“She guided me gently…”
Irena is a coach full of heart-felt wisdom and has deep knowledge about the Laws of Attraction. She helped me as I transitioned into living in a new city after having spent most of the year traveling, living abroad and out of a suitcase. She guided me gently, using the Law of Attraction. I was able to find a place to land that is what I need for now. I learned to be a magnet for what I desire and to trust the Universe. I am grateful for her insight, patience, wisdom and caring demeanor. I appreciate her time, energy and warm spirit. I am full of gratitude! Thank you.

Terri B. (Canada)
“One session removed my fear of heights!”
This weekend and last I’ve been helping a friend replace his 37-year old roof. We are using aluminum ladders and climbing 13 feet high to mount scaffolding beside the house…and then from there we climb the additional 5 foot ladder to crawl out on the roof 18 feet in the air, which is at a slightly steeper pitch than normal.
I do NOT jump off the high dive. I do NOT clean out my own gutters. I do NOT lean out windows on the 2nd floor or clean those windows myself.
Or I should say I never would have in days gone by. Last weekend I was a very Nervous Nellie on the ladders and roof, but I wanted very badly to help this man who has been so helpful to me over the years. So I “put my fears and worries under my hand” and did it anyway. I did just fine although I was both physically and emotionally drained at the end of each day.
Yesterday! was! amazing! though!
Because in the morning Irena Kyd coached me in the Rotary and the Staircase.
And in the past, I’ve ALWAYS enrolled my amazing IMAGINATION to scare me when it comes to that kind of height on rickety, noisy, ladders! This time (yesterday) I was climbing up and down those ladders like a happy, joyful monkey! I slept like a baby but not because I was drained. I was just tired!
OH! and I also actually did some work with the circular saw which have given me nightmares in the past!

Dee H. Iowa
“I have a much happier and calmer life!”
First of all I want to thank Irena for being my Coach. She is very professional and compassionate. I did not know what to expect. She took the time to explain the program to me and how it works. That put me at ease. Irena helped me work through some unresolved trauma that I didn’t even realize I was still carrying! She is very compassionate and caring as she helped me stop and collect myself throughout the process ~ a fabulous coach with the neurokinesis technique!
It has helped me a lot. I not only use it to release the emotional attachments of past experiences, but in everyday life if I become stressed. Using the technique has improved all aspects of my life. I keep finding more ways to apply the technique. I am truly grateful Irena for being my Coach. Thanks to the neurokinesis techniques I have a much happier and calmer life!
Thanks for assisting me in this Irena!!